The third edition of the Disegna il box Artkeys contest saw the participation of as many as 193 artists.
25 are the finalists, while the winner is:
Marco Ronda’s work, aka “Bislak“, is centered on a common denominator of human nature: the search for beauty, which in itself is an abstract concept and can involve one, more or all of the sensory capacities.
In the work we see an individual, alone, in a “place where the essential materializes, the place where what we do to pursue beauty begins” [Marco Ronda];
this research from individual can become collective and involve an entire community.
In fact, this is one of the engines that still drives the Artkeys Award, a project guided by the hope that beauty can help society.

The three illustrators who will exhibit during the award ceremony and presentation of Artkeys 03, on October 9, 2021

Andrea Lauta

Eleonora Dello Iacono – Elisa Pagliara
Il potere dell’arte

Arianna Sera – Ludovica Iuè
Finalisti Artkeys Box 03

Alessandra Carrano
Le chiavi dell’arte

Alessia Martino
La cesta dei doni

Alessia Martino
Monstera Deliciosa

Alessia Martino
Ovolo Malefico

Alessia Roselli
Artk Key – dalla fantasia alla creazione

Alessia Roselli
Art keys – percorso creativo

Alessia Roselli
Un treno carico…carico di Arte

Andrea Lauta

Andrea Lauta

Andrea Lauta

Arianna Carannante
Fate l’arte, non fate la guerra

Arianna Carannante
Il classico amore

Arianna Carannante
In chiave d’arte

Arianna Garulli

Senza titolo

Eleonora Dello Iacono – Elisa Pagliara
Il potere dell’arte

Erick Cuevas
Come caca

Fulvio Faioni
What inside?

Gabriele Giordano
Apertura Mentale

Gabriele Giordano

Gabriele Giordano
Pedina serratura

Giada Guerriero

Giada Guerriero

Giada Guerriero

Giulia Brioschi
La dea Yoni

Lorenzo Pettine
Pirate Miku

Arianna Sera – Ludovica Iuè

Manuel Azzolini
Un nuovo giorno

Maria Bressan
Ape regina

Maria Cristina Lucidi
Dante ‘700

Mattia Marangi
L’amour dans le coeur

Mattia Marangi
Il mondo oggi

Mattia Marangi
Immaginare ad occhi aperti

Maurizio Pleuteri

Sara Sciacca
Abbiamo a cuore le api

Sara Sciacca
Il valore del tempo

Sara Sciacca
La chiave della vittoria

Silvia Pattaro

Silvia Pattaro
Slow mood

Stefania Giudici
TryFLY again

Teresa Falanga
Art’s voice

Vanessa Ruggiero
Akai ito